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About Us | |||
History MinyanMaps was launched on Tu b'Shvat, 5766 and has been praised as the most elegant minyan web site available. Minyan information is displayed in an organized and accessible manner using the most recent advances in technology . MinyanMaps is designed and maintained by faculty and current and former students at the Lander College for Men. The team includes Nechemia Hoffmann, Menasheh Peromsik, Dr. Yoni Robinson, Avi Block, Pinchas Eisenberg, Oren Mordechai, Moshe Steinberg and Dovid Wohlberg. The driving force in developing MinyanMaps.com was to create a comprehensive, easy to use information service for minyanim and shiurim for shuls throughout the world. MinyanMaps is a natural outgrowth of Kehillah.com, a community web site currently serving the Queens and Long Island Orthodox communities. Much of the base information, including shul listings and minyan and shiurim data was generously granted by additional national Orthodox organizations including the Orthodox Union, Chabad.org, the National Council of Young Israel and Agudath Israel of America. Much additional information is submitted by people like you who recognize the usefulness of a web site that organizes shul, minyan and shiur information in a handy manner. If you have shul information that is not yet in the MinyanMaps database please join us and share your knowledge and help out others! MinyanMaps is a non-profit venture (501-C-3)and is maintained through private contributions. If you are interested in helping out, perhaps in honor of a friend or in memory of a loved one please contact us. Partnering with MinyanMaps We are always interested in partnering with Jewish oriented web sites -- especially those that contain minyan related information. Since our only goal is to provide a helpful community service we are happy to partner up and share the many useful features we provide with other sites. Please contact us for more information. Publicity Also, MinyanMaps is always looking to expand the ways people can find minyanim. Currently, we support access through the web, email, RSS and text message (SMS), with additional methods in development. You can add a Minyan Search to your web site or blog by adding a small snippet of HTML code as described here..